My Website:

29 April, 2013

Reminder-Solo Exhibition at The Beehive Pub

I just wanted to remind you all of my solo exhibition at the Beehive Pub in Swindon.
Artwork by Carmen B. Norris
5th May-1st June 2013

Artist Reception-
Sunday, 5th May 2013 at 7pm
Refreshments will be served.

The Beehive Public House
55 Prospect Hill
Swindon, Wiltshire

Hope you can make it.
Bye for now.

24 April, 2013

On Our Walk Through The Park...

Its been warm and sunny for the last few days so I thought I would take our dog Jack for a nice long walk in our local park. Here are some photos taken using my mobile phone- I couldn't find our camera. I then decided to edit them in Instagram.
Happy dog.

Very tired dog.
Bye for now.

12 April, 2013

Solo Art Exhibition at The Beehive Pub

I will exhibiting new artwork at the Beehive Pub in Swindon. 

Artwork by
Carmen B. Norris
5th May-1st June 2013
Artist Reception-
Sunday, 5th May 2013 at 7pm
Refreshments will be served. 

The Beehive Public House
55 Prospect Hill
Swindon, Wilshire

 Bye for now.